About ..

  1. USMIT can boost your precision in motor coordination, as level and as persistence, both, in sports in general and in professional sports, in particular.
    ex. #1 – in tennis, I can aim with success a spot in the corner of the opposite field and I can easily and repeatedly maintain the same precision even when I aim a different spot, in the opposite corner.
    ex. #2 – in billiards (snooker) I manage to have a higher number of different, consecutive, pots (shots) with less concentration effort.
    2. USMIT can, most likely, help you to develop a better mental analytical ability and decrease psychical impassivity.
    ex. #1 – You can become less stiff in reactions, more relaxed but focused in the same time, you can control your impulses better in everyday life situations or during sports competitions.
    ex. #2 – you can have a more clear mind and action when you focused on different strategies that suppose a motor activity, especially one the solicits precision in coordination (you can drive easier your own car, smoother, you can dance more fluently, more gently, you can beat nails without hitting your fingers in the process).
    3. USMIT can, most likely, help you in difficult situations, like medical recovery: after accidents and injury (bone fracture with specific immobilization), after critical medical condition (stroke with remission and motor deficit).

.. you can learn USMIT basic training using the Windows 10 & iOS applications..
it is more about “trying to to perform” a motion with constant speed, about neuroplasticity, about searching the “being in the zone” state of mind.

Research ..

Movement in ultra slow motion a mark for mental tone.*
7th International Congress on Physical Education, Sport and Kinetotherapy, Bucharest, 15-17 June 2017.
Keywords: ultra slow motion, precision in coordination

. Simple tests require the participants, at the first attempts, to systematically see themselves, to see their value, with or without being aware of this. With different tests, different particularities can be highlighted in complex evaluations for work expertise, coordination abilities, stress tolerance, motor performance. Based on preliminary studies, the movement in ultra slow motion (USM) is a predictor for one’s ability to dedicate to the outside world, as a premise for reaching the state of “being into the zone”.
. A more detailed analysis of the correlations between USM, anaerobic-alactacid phase, anaerobic-lactacid phase and the clear perception of reality, the good ability to dedicate to the world, the clarity and stability in forming personal judgments and making one’s decisions, the commitment and responsibility in personal life (Existential Scale, ESK).
. Two groups of volunteers (N1=10, N2=10) were selected from a sample of 74 subjects (N01=50, N02=24) and evaluated in order to make a comparison between the characteristics of mental tone, dominated by balance and maturity, on the one hand (N1), and those of motor performance, dominated by performance in sports, on the other hand (N2).
. All 20 volunteers participated in a psychological evaluation with KinectX Pro (testing under USM conditions) with anaerobic alactacid and lactacid stress, without previous USM or other similar training. Conclusions: The conducted study confirms the preliminary research hypothesis and supports new correlations between mental component and precision in motor coordination for the studied subgroups.

Ultra slow Motion Intelligent Training – One year training results. A case study.*
The 13th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 27-28, 2017.
Keywords: USMIT; precision in coordination.

. Ultra slow motion intelligent training (USMIT) is a specific training program for precision in coordination. USMIT aims to prevent both the acute and chronic motor cortex fatigue syndrome and to increase motor precision. The basic principle of USMIT is that performing an ultra slow motion with a constant speed (10-25mm/s) using the upper and lower limbs leads to persistence of high precision in motor coordination. This type of training seems to be innovative for the sports domain. Similar training at a higher motion speed (100mm/s) is used to maintain or increase muscle strength.
. A male volunteer aged 39 years, with good sports abilities (table tennis, basketball, swimming, billiards, mountain biking, roller skating, badminton, skiing and tennis) used the four basic exercises of USMIT within a specific schedule during a period of one year. The four training periods were: (1) basic training (Reversed Push-Ups) for months 1-2, (2) general training (Reversed Push-Ups, Pseudo-Cycling, ButterFly, Ultra Slow Squats) for months 3-6, (3) no training for months 7-8, (4) personal training program (Reversed Push-Ups, Pseudo-Cycling, ButterFly, Ultra Slow Squats) for months 9-12. No specific tennis training was allowed during the year, except for the testing sessions. To adjust motion speed, a computerized system for the Cartesian motion analysis (KinectX Pro 1.0) was designed and used. To learn the training program, a computer application was developed (USMIT 1.0).
. Three evaluations were used: (1) an initial psychological evaluation, (2) a continuous evaluation with KinectX Pro, (3) a field evaluation during three specific tennis training sessions, at start, after 6 months and at the end of the study (we recorded the number of repeated forehand shots until error at sub-maximal effort and a phenomenological analysis was made in dialog with the tennis partner).
. Field evaluation showed a significant improvement of precision in motor coordination, predicted by the KinectX Pro test evolution. Phenomenological analysis revealed new complex technical abilities and lower exercise endurance.
. These promising outcomes should be confirmed by 4 to 6-month prospective group studies.

Performanța în prestația medicală ca beneficiu al fenomenului de neuroplasticitate și urmare a antrenamentului inteligent prin mișcări ultra lente.*
Search and rescue 2016, Conferința Natională de Medicină de Urgență și Salvări în Situații Speciale – SARTISS, Băile Felix

. Capacitatea de procesare funcțională a sistemului nervos central, la om, este încă mult peste posibilitățile de calcul computerizat, dar există o aproximare a acesteia (Kunkel, Helias). Din acestă putere de calcul, în fiecare clipă, în mod voit, în mod nevoit și în mod obligatoriu consumăm în proporții diferite prin componetele somatică, psihică și noetică (Frankl), cu un ramdament mai bun sau mai puțin bun, în funcție de algoritmii dobândiți, prin experiență (educație), pentru rezolvarea diferitelor probleme cotidiene. Depășirea punctuală a capacității de procesare, prin presiune externă (paradoxal internă) atât în plan somatic cât și psihic, deși acceptat că beneficiază de câte un ”buffer”, de câte ”un releu de suprasarcină” în primă instanță, aduce în prim plan sindromul de oboseală cronică și modificări la nivel de randament motor (Samii, Gordon).
Putem înbunătăți randamentul de procesare pentru un bagaj de probleme dat? Cum putem antrena sistemul nervos central pentru a obține acestă creștere în randament atât în plan somatic cât și psihic?
. În mod clasic, fiecare componentă în parte, somatică sau psihică poate fi antrenată prin exerciții fizice de rezistență, forță și precizie, respectiv prin servicii de dezvoltare personală, consiliere sau psihoterapie. Putem să învățăm să jonglăm și acest proces produce neuroplasticitate (Driemeyer) și crește nivelul de precizie și persistența acesteia, dar și capacitatea de dedicare, putem face exerciții de aerobic și astfel creștem nivelul neuromediatorilor ce oferă protecție pentru depresie (Kandola, Laske) sau pentru demență (Cheng). Pe de altă parte putem folosi programul de antrenament inteligent prin mișcări ultra lente (USMIT, Radescu) și prin aceasta putem crește randamentul manevrelor efectuate, putem crește capacitatea de dedicare (Radescu), de distanțare și înțelegere a situației și secundar de reducere a epuizării, de evitare a depresiei.
. Dacă este cunoscut efectul benefic al cafelei, la persoanele care nu prezinta efecte adverse, atât asupra îmbătrânirii cât și asupra dispoziției (Patil), iar pe de altă parte USMIT este un program de antrenament, matinal, de înviorare, ce aduce după 15-20 minute senzație de vitalitate și „trezire” a cănii de cafea, ramâne o probleme personală, de alegere:
cafeaua de dimineață sau 20 de minute de antrenament prin mișcări ultra lente? Diferența: oportunitatea folosirii potențielului neuroplatic restant chiar și la vârste inaintate (Barss).

Preliminary correlations between mental tonus, discriminatory speed reaction and motor expression, precisely coordinated, assessed through ultra slow motion exercises.*
6th International Congress of Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy, Bucharest, 15-18 June 2016.
Keywords: mental tonus; ultra slow motion; sports performance.

. In sports games literature, the mental (psychical) component has always had an important, sometimes crucial role. Slow, very slow and super slow motions are recognized to increase or maintain strength and endurance. A correlation between mental dynamics and ultra slow motion exercises (USME) has not been identified in the literature.
. Our aim was to obtain a benchmark of how discriminatory reaction time, mental tonus, attitude towards emotion and coordination precision are correlating.
. There were made a conceptual classification (ultra slow motion exercises) and a multi-factorial cross-sectional analysis (n=95) involving the application of computerized Cartesian assessment to ultra slow motions (USM). Results: All respondents (n=95)agreed to the psychological assessment (60 subjects in the control group, 35 in the study group); of them, 35 completed the questionnaire assessing the attitude towards fear, 35 performed tests for the assessment of reaction time, and 24 participated in the computerized assessment of precision in coordination.
. Specific training using smoothly-coordinated ultra slow motion exercises can be beneficial to performance in sports games, both through their psychological (temperamental) impact and by increasing efficiency in the cortical motor coordination center. A detailed trial is required for the analyzed subgroups.

Study on the neuromuscular control assessment by using the Cartesian analysis of the movement.*
The 16th International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in physical education and sport”, Constanta, Romania, 20-21 May 2016.
Keywords: Cartesian analysis, precision, coordination.

. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the opportunity of assessing neuromuscular control by the Cartesian motion analysis, based on the coordination component of motor ability, namely precision. Thus, we aim to check the appropriateness of computerized neuromuscular control assessment by investigating precision-related benchmarks when ultra slow motions are performed by the upper limbs at a constant speed of 10mm/s.
. As research methods, there were used: bibliographic study, observation, Cartesian motion analysis, statistics. In order to track the Cartesian motion, a computer platform, Kinect X Pro 1.0, was designed and programmed. The platform uses a Kinect 2.0 motion analyzer that provides the subject executing the movement with real-time feedback about the performance parameters (speed, direction, deviations in both the left and right hands).
We conducted calibration and verification tests on a group of 22 subjects, of whom 2 active athletes (with national and international medals), 7 athletes withdrawn from activity (5 with national and international medals) and 14 non-athletes, aged between 23 and 39 years. In addition, it was carried out a comparative testing with given algorithm between an athlete and a non-athlete, for the coordination parameters depending on the type of effort (anaerobic alactacid and lactacid) and the use or lack of visual control. Different testing frequencies (from over 5 assessments/second to less than one assessment per second) were used.
. The first sets of tests showed a loss of homogeneous distribution in average speed per testing unit, when the testing unit duration was reduced, and an increasingly higher range in the quartile variation compared to the target. Comparative testing supported the initial observations for the two effort intervals assessed.
. Tracking the motion per very short time intervals highlights a real difficulty in maintaining a constant speed in the motor actions of upper limbs, although, apparently, it looks like a continuous, smooth motion with constant speed. The observation is most likely an outcome of the complex coordination of muscle contractions and emphasizes not a basal, but a secondary character of speed (as human motor ability) resulting from a coordinated composition of equal forces.

* for the full article please contact me on fb/petre radescu, fb/USMIT